In practice, proxri are sort of like the give and take of a neighborhood, relationship, friendship or perhaps being a considerate traveler.

Basically, you consider the proximity, including your benefits, your circumstances, the other party’s circumstances, and some wider context, and then proxri as appropriate. Find out more below the graphic.

proxri graphic 14

Proxri (pronounced prox’ree) is short for one or more ProxRewards, which are rewards often made with the proximity in mind. Proxri in practice are sort of like the give and take of a neighborhood, relationship, friendship or perhaps being a considerate traveler. You may want the neighborhood, relationship, friendship or location you’re visiting to survive, thrive, and take care of you as you take care of it. You may also want it to persist, adapt and change as needed, which is how proximities stay sustainable and life stays interesting.

How do you proxri? Basically, you consider the proximity, including your benefits, your circumstances, the other party’s circumstances, and some wider context, and then proxri as appropriate. For six steps you can follow, click here. A proxri may include money, things, services, ideas, tasks, relationships, actions, and so on, as well as a combination of these.

This site provides proxri-related information, resources, ways to use proxri in your life, and links to other people using proxri. Proxri are part of the proximity thinking framework, and the ProxThink growth model. For more, see this introduction to proxri.