Applying the proxri process to content is coming along …

Of course, the proxri process applied to websites is fairly well-developed. I’ve deployed it on and

Applying it to content is still in the early stages, but is progressing nicely. I’m developing a basic setup for downloadable offerings on These will include a proxri process. Then I’ll use the basics developed there to build out Artdown, which will have more content.

From content to other things like software and apps will be a reasonably short step, at least conceptually.

Published by David Loughry

What makes people feel alive, excited, vital and engaged? I call it sustainable variety, or SustaVariety for short. I've created a number of projects to create more SustaVariety for myself and others. These projects use the proximity thinking (ProxThink) framework for creating, collaborating, and living that I created. I invite you to join me in some adventures in creating sustainable variety at

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